Leverage topic-based audience generation to find high-intent  prospects.

AD-AI is the latest and most accurate of all intent-based recognition technologies.

Most intent audiences are simplistic and based on web context, often referred to as contextual targeting. Here’s how they typically function: if a person visits a site with Ferraris, they are assumed to be interested in purchasing a Ferrari. Many people like to look at Ferraris, but there aren’t many people who can actually afford them.

Assuming that every person who looks at a Ferrari is a candidate to buy one is an incorrect assumption. This inaccuracy is further compounded by the process of graph matching when a data provider uploads this audience to a DSP.

For example, only about 5,000 Ferraris are sold in the US annually. Yet, “intent” audiences
for Ferrari from various providers are vastly inflated, with figures like 365M (Acxiom), 61M (ShareThis), 54M (DataStream), 37M (eXelate Intent), 16.8M (TransUnion), 6.5M (Equifax), and 5M (PlaceIQ).

This means, using the old way, only about 1/1,000 to 1/100,000 of your ads reach genuinely in-market individuals.  Contact us today to find out how we can better focus every marketing dollar to reach and motivate your best audiences.


With AD-AI, web behavior is coupled with semantic intent analyzed via a large language model (LLM) to determine if prospects online are interested in purchasing or if they’re just browsing.

Prospects are then categorized into preset purchase intent topics defined to specifically target each prospect.

You  simply select the categories you want to target, which include general searches such as “used cars” or more narrow topics such as “Hyundai Kona”.

Next you select the geographic regions, from nationwide down to the zip code level, that you want your message or offer delivered. This ensures your marketing dollars are being used as efficiently as possible.